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Focus on Financial Wellness

January 4th, 2023

January is not just the start of a new year, it’s also Financial Wellness Month. Get financially fit this year by exploring the resources and tools offered by CAPTRUST and Fidelity. Whether you want to pay down debt or save for a big milestone, you have the support you need to achieve your goals.


New Year, Healthy You!

January 4th, 2023

A new year is a great opportunity to focus on what’s most important – your health and well-being. The Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! program is designed to give you support and resources to help you feel your best.


Putting Your Money Where It Matters

November 29th, 2022

Financial worries often top the list of things causing stress during the holiday season. In order to avoid or minimize this stress, take time to create—and stick to—a holiday budget. Whether it’s gifts, holiday meals, or travel expenses, the dollars add up quickly. Make a plan to stay within your budget, even if it means making a few sacrifices. Both your wallet and your sanity will thank you.


Beating the Winter Blues

November 29th, 2022

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… or is it? While there are many things to look forward to during the holiday season—the glittery lights, gathering with friends and family, curling up by a fire with your favorite book—wintertime can also come with its own challenges.


November is Open Enrollment and National Diabetes Month

November 7th, 2022

Open Enrollment starts November 2 and runs through November 11. This is your annual opportunity to choose your benefits for the upcoming year. Everyone must enroll in Workday to have coverage in 2023. Visit the Open Enrollment page for more information.


Big Benefits of Tax Savings Accounts

November 7th, 2022

When it comes to tax savings, the health savings account (HSA) and flexible spending accounts (FSA) pack a punch.


Benefits 101: Who Gets Your Money?

October 3rd, 2022

While thinking about what happens to your assets when you die may not be at the top of your mind, it’s essential to have a plan.


Put Your Mental and Emotional Health First

October 3rd, 2022

During October, we observe Mental Health Awareness and Breast Cancer Awareness. Taking time to learn about the ways these conditions can affect us, and our loved ones, helps us make health a priority.


Employee Assistance Disaster Response Resources Available

September 30th, 2022

Whether anticipating a natural disaster or responding to its aftermath, the impact on affected people can be difficult and stressful. During times of uncertainty and change, whether responding to potentially dangerous environmental emergencies or dealing with other traumatic events, it is especially important to focus on taking good care of ourselves. The EAP provides helpful ideas and resources on physical, mental, and emotional self-care during turbulent times.


Take action before September 30, 2022 to complete the steps and earn $500.

September 3rd, 2022

The Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! deadline is September 30, 2022, but you still have time to earn $500, and your spouse/domestic partner can earn $500 too! It’s easier than ever this year. You can earn points for results that fall in a healthy range or improve from 2021. Even if you don’t participate, your spouse can still earn their reward.