Get Screened and Stay Safe

July 11th, 2022
With the summer temperatures climbing, our focus in July is sun safety and hydration. Explore the activities and Daily Habits plan Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! offers to learn how you can show your skin and your health some love.

Crossword Fun for Summer Tips
Test your knowledge on sun safety and learn about your Savings Protection Factor. Click here to play!
Safe Fun in the Sun
Heading outdoors this summer? Before you enjoy your favorite summer activities, make sure you and your loved ones stay safe under the sun with these three tips:
The sun can be brutal in the summer, especially between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Protect your skin from harmful UV rays with sunscreen and staying out of direct sunlight when possible.
- Choose a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher.
- Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours. Use more than you think you need.
- Wear a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses.
- Use sunscreen on babies over the age of six months and keep newborns out of the sun.
To find the best sunscreen for you, learn more here.
Did you know, there is a 99% 5-year survival rate for patients in the U.S. whose melanoma is detected early1. Visit your primary care doctor or dermatologist for an annual screening and do regular self-examinations to check for early warning signs of skin cancer. If you find a spot, look out for the ABC’s.
Visit the Skin Cancer Foundation to learn more.
1 Click here to learn more about early detection.
Drink water regularly throughout the day to stay hydrated. Stay away from caffeine and sugary drinks, as they can cause faster dehydration. If you experience headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, and fatigue, reach for more water.
For more helpful tips, review these:
Get Screened and Earn Rewards!
In addition to skin exams, getting your annual physical helps to keep you in top health. If you haven’t already, complete your Biometric and Blood Screening to get a picture of your health and be on your way to earning $500. Your spouse can earn $500 too!
Don’t Forget Your SPF!
Your Sun Protection Factor may be top-of-mind during the summer, but you can boost your Savings Protection Factor no matter the season. Click here to learn what steps you can take to improve your financial wellness today!
July Daily Habits: Stay Connected
As humans, we are made for community. Over the past few years, many of us have experienced long periods of isolation, which can lead to loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress. As summer fun is upon us, learning new ways to safely connect with others will go a long way to boosting our emotional and physical health. The Daily Habits plan for July is designed to help you increase meaningful connection to others, so you can feel happier and healthier.
Looking for More?
Check out our other Daily Habits plans that include tips on healthy eating, exercise, chronic condition management, and more.
Savor Your Health with the Five to Thrive Nutrition Challenge
When it comes to providing vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables pack a punch. Take a bite out of wellness with the Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! Five to Thrive Nutrition Challenge. You’ll not only improve your health by eating more produce, but you’ll also receive 50 points toward your Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! reward. Registration begins July 27 and the challenge begins August 10.
July Happenings
Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! helps you stay healthy during the summer.
- Complete your Biometric and Blood Screening by visiting a Quest lab or by downloading a Physician Form for your primary care physician.
- Have questions? Reach out to our wellness coordinators during their office hours.
July 18 and July 25
12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. ET
Ring Central Meeting Information
Personal meeting ID link:
Jennifer Weber