Explanation of Benefits (EOB)

July 11th, 2022
Benefits 101
We know that benefits can be confusing. To help you better understand your health care plans, each month we will review often-asked questions, explain terminology and offer tips so you can make the best choices for you and your family.
What is an EOB?
When you receive medical care from a doctor, therapist, laboratory, or hospital, your provider will file a claim with your medical insurance carrier on your behalf. Your medical carrier will send you an Explanation of Benefits, or EOB, to let you know that a claim has been processed.
The EOB details information such as:
- The service you received
- The provider performing the service
- Network discount, if applicable
- Amount covered or not covered
- What your insurance paid
- Your remaining balance
It is important to know, the EOB is NOT a bill. You do not generally need to take any action when you receive it. However, it is important for you to review the information and make sure it’s correct. Take a look at a more detailed breakdown of an EOB.