Beating the Winter Blues

November 29th, 2022
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… or is it? While there are many things to look forward to during the holiday season—the glittery lights, gathering with friends and family, curling up by a fire with your favorite book—wintertime can also come with its own challenges.
It’s no secret that the shorter days and reduced access to Vitamin D often bring with them the struggles of Seasonal Affective Disorder, sometimes referred to as “seasonal depression” or “the winter blues.”
Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to be proactive about your mental health and wellness this season. With a few changes to your wintertime habits, you might just find yourself having your happiest—and healthiest—holiday yet.
Tips for Supporting Your Mental Health
through the Holidays
Prioritize Self-Care
In the busyness of the holiday season, it can be easy to neglect your own needs. However, taking care of yourself is vital to your mental health and well-being. Consider what brings you peace and prioritize it in your schedule. When you take time to get your own cup filled, you’ll be surprised how much easier it is to spread love and cheer to those around you.
UnitedHealthcare helps you find Healthier ways to enjoy the holidays.
Move Your Body
The physical benefits of exercise are obvious. But did you know that staying active also has positive effects on your mental health and overall mood? When you participate in physical exercise, your body releases endorphins and serotonin, which gives you energy and makes you feel good. Whether you prefer to go to the gym, do aerobic exercise at home, or go for a long walk, you’ll reap the benefits, and your brain will thank you. And don’t forget, when you participate in the Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! Wellness Challenges, your activity can earn you entries in the Quarterly Prize drawings.
Eat Well
If you’re struggling to manage your mental health, the abundance of holiday sweets probably isn’t helping. Studies have shown that over-indulgence in sugar can lead to an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, which can result in increased irritability and moodiness. The good news is that you don’t have to cut your favorite holiday desserts completely. Plan ahead to eat a balanced snack or meal before heading to events where you know that sugary treats will be front and center. Smart planning can keep both your thoughts and your blood sugar more balanced.
UnitedHealthcare offers some tips for eating healthy during the holidays.
A Toast To Your Good Health
During the holidays it is easy to get caught up in all the celebrations. It is good to remember moderation, especially when it comes to alcohol. UnitedHealthcare provides some useful information to help you know when to seek help for yourself or someone you love.
Understanding Alcohol Use & Misuse
Virtual Behavioral Health Programs
Take advantage of ZOLL’s Virtual Behavioral Health Programs. Available online, 24/7, these resources can support you in managing your mental health through the holidays and all year long! Don’t let your busy schedule become an excuse not to care for your well-being. These programs are designed with your needs and schedule in mind.
Your Healthy Hearts! Healthy You!
December Update
Daily Habit: Work/Life Balance
Find a Healthy Balance
Finding balance by setting healthy boundaries helps to reduce stress and allows you more freedom to be present for both your job and your life outside of work.
This holiday season, we hope you’ll spend time with friends and family, doing the things you love! Consider joining the Daily Habits Plan for an opportunity to set goals, complete a variety of activities, and establish habits to keep you on track for a healthy work/life balance. Visit the Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! portal to learn more.
Looking for More?
Check out our other Daily Habits plans that include tips on stress management, quality sleep, exercise, chronic condition management, and more.
Wellness Challenge: Make Your Move
Congrats on Making Your Move!
Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! Make Your Move Challenge ends on December 6th. Congratulations to those who participated in the challenge! Winners will be announced soon. Watch for information on 2023 Wellness Challenges!
Attend a Webinar! 
Holiday Stress: Putting Happy Back in the Holidays –
Presented by Cigna EAP
Shopping, cooking, family…help! For many, the holidays deliver stress and challenges instead of good cheer. Join us to discover how to let go of unrealistic expectations and be present when it matters most. We’ll discuss balancing obligations with your own needs, dealing with difficult family members, and overspending. Join us to explore ways to truly enjoy the season.
December 7, 2022
2:00 p.m. ET
10 Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
All employees are invited to participate in the “Healthy Living Hangouts” webinar. The holidays can be a challenging time for managing your health and weight. Join us to get ideas for how to best care for your body this season with 10 Tips to Avoid the Holiday Weight Gain.
December 9, 2022
12:00 p.m. ET
Ring Central Meeting Information
Personal meeting ID link:
Stephen Bittner
Robyn Zagoren-Martichuski
Wellness Coordinator Office Hours
Get your questions answered.
December 5 and 12
12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. ET
Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! in 2023
Be on the lookout for information on how you can earn up to $500 in the New Year!