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Men’s Health Month

June 3rd, 2024

Welcome to Men’s Health Month. As we encourage the men in our lives to focus on their well-being, we strive to raise awareness about the unique health challenges they face.

  • The National Council on Aging reports that men are two to four times more likely than women to have Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
  • According to the Indiana University School of Medicine:
    • Men are significantly less likely than women to see a doctor or report symptoms to a health care provider.
    • Only 60% of men go to the doctor for a yearly, routine checkup, and 40% won’t go until something is seriously wrong.
    • 31% of men suffer depression in their lifetime, but only one quarter talk to a mental health professional.

Programs to Support Your Well-Being

Whether for yourself, or a loved one, ZOLL offers programs and services to make it easier to stay on top of your health and focus on your overall well-being:

Healthy Hearts! Healthy You!

Preventive Care

By staying proactive with preventive care, men can maintain their well-being, catch potential health risks early, and enjoy a higher quality of life. ZOLL medical plans offer free in-network preventive care. For men, preventive care may include regular check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings for conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and certain cancers. Check out these resources for recommended preventive care screenings:

Emotional Support

  • If you or someone you know is in crisis, call or text 988.
  • Visit our Emotional Well-Being page to take a quick mental health assessment and to find support resources to help you feel your best.