Get Help

When you have goals you want to achieve, working with a coach helps you get the results you want faster and easier. Through Healthy Hearts! Healthy You!, you and your spouse have access to free, confidential health coaching to help you create and stick to a personalized wellness plan.

Improve Your Health with Coaching



WebMD’s Health Coaches and Stress Specialists are trained health professionals, ready to support you whatever your goal — whether you want to lose a few pounds, sleep better, or get some help managing stress. Together, you’ll create a personalized health plan that is easy to follow and fits your unique lifestyle. Your Health Coach will:

  • Help you set goals and provide accountability toward reaching those goals.
  • Teach you to tap into your own motivation and create lifelong, sustainable changes for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Work with you to build resilience, practice mindfulness, and create a plan to manage everyday stress.
  • Refer you to a trained Stress Specialist as needed to learn proven stress-reduction techniques.

Watch for information about local onsite events at your location.

2025 Onsite & Virtual Lunch & Learns

To learn helpful tips and to get your questions answered on the spot, join our Wellness Coordinators for these interactive events!

Check out the events page for upcoming dates.

Earn rewards


2025 Virtual Lunch & Learns

Check back in January for a listing of the 2025 Virtual Lunch & Learns

Earn rewards


Complete a Health Coaching session!

  • You can earn up to 150 points toward the 500 points needed to receive your $500 Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! Reward.
    • Complete a Health Coaching Session = Earn 50 points each
      (Up to 150 points (three Sessions) will count toward your 500-point goal)

You don’t have to be enrolled in a ZOLL medical plan to participate! Health Coaching is personal and confidential. The best part is it’s Free! ZOLL covers the cost for you and your spouse to work with a Health Coach. To learn more, visit the Healthy Hearts! Healthy You! Portal.