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Leave of Absence and Disability

When you need time off work for an extended period, we have you covered with Paid Parental Leave, FMLA, and Short-term and Long-term Disability benefits.

We Heard You!

In 2025, ZOLL will partner with Broadspire, a confidential third-party administration team dedicated to assisting you with your Leave of Absence needs. We will no longer be partnering with Reliance Matrix for any claims filed after January 1, 2025. Paid Parental Leave, Short-term Disability, and any applicable state leave benefits will be paid through ZOLL’s payroll.

State Leaves

Certain states require mandated disability and/or bonding benefits. The claim filing processes and benefits will vary by state:

If you work or live in any of the states listed below, your benefits will be administered through Broadspire and paid through ZOLL Payroll:
New York

If you work or live in any of the states listed below, your benefits will be administered and paid through Reliance Matrix until July 1, 2025:

If you work or live in any of the states listed below, your benefits will be administered and paid through New York Life:

If you work or live in any of the states listed below, you must file your claim directly with the state. If you have any questions about the filing process, you can also ask your Broadspire Claims Examiner:
District of Columbia
New Jersey
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island

Paid Parental Leave

Take the Time You Need with Paid Parental Leave

Welcoming a new child into your family is a special time. To give you time to bond with your child, ZOLL provides 100% paid leave upon birth, adoption, or foster-care placement of a child. This leave runs at the same time as short-term disability and state offered plans that may be in place.

Eligibility: You are eligible for Paid Parental Leave if you:

  • Have been employed with the company for at least 12 months at the time of the child’s birth, adoption, or foster care placement.
  • Are full-time, 30+ hours per week, regular employee (part-time, commission only, fixed term and per diem employees, contingent workers and interns are not eligible for this benefit).
  • Review the Paid Parental Leave Program Overview document for detailed information about eligibility and how the benefit is paid.
Paid Parental Leave
Postpartum Recovery Leave – Eligible employees who give birth to a child are eligible to receive a maximum of 6 weeks of paid leave per birth.
Bonding Leave – Eligible employees will receive 6 weeks of paid time off following the birth of the employee’s child or the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster placement to bond with the new child.

Next Steps:

  1. You must file a claim with Broadspire, ZOLL’s Leave of Absence Administrator. Visit or call to initiate a claim.
  2. You will receive a claim decision within 5 days of Broadspire’s receipt of complete supporting paperwork.
  3. A Broadspire Claims Examiner will work with you one on one for the duration of your absence.

Additional Support Resources:


Refer to the Resources and Frequently Asked Questions quick links to the right.


The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is designed to provide up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave time during any 12-month period if you require time off for one or more of the following reasons:

  • The birth and care of your newborn child
  • The placement of a child with you for adoption or foster care
  • To care for an immediate family member (spouse, qualified domestic partner, child, or parent) with a serious health condition
  • To take medical leave when you are unable to work because of a serious health condition
  • For any qualifying emergency arising out of the fact that a spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a military member on covered active duty or call to covered active-duty status
  • To care for a covered service member with a serious illness or injury incurred in the line of duty

Eligibility: You must be employed for one year and have worked at least 1,250 hours in the previous 12 months. FMLA runs concurrent with disability and state offered plans, where applicable.

Next Steps:

  1. You must file a claim with Broadspire, ZOLL’s Leave of Absence Administrator.
  2. You will receive a claim decision within 5 days of Broadspire’s receipt of complete supporting paperwork.
  3. A Broadspire Claims Examiner will work with you one on one for the duration of your absence.


Refer to the Resources and Frequently Asked Questions quick links to the right.



Accidents or serious illnesses can happen when you least expect it. Even if you’re not able to work, your regular financial obligations are still there. ZOLL wants to ensure that you and your family are financially protected.

ZOLL automatically provides both short- and long-term disability to all eligible employees at no cost to you.

Short-term Disability is administered through Broadspire and Long-term Disability is administered through New York Life. If Short-term Disability may progress to Long-term Disability, both administrators will work with you and each other to ensure a smooth transition process.

Short-Term Disability Long-Term Disability
Administrator Broadspire New York Life
Benefits Begin After 13 days of injury/illness 90 days of injury/illness
Maximum Duration of Benefits 11 weeks Up to Social Security Normal Retirement Age
Benefits Payable* 60% of gross weekly earnings 60% of gross weekly earnings
Maximum Benefit $1,500 per week $12,000 per month
*Your payment may be reduced by deductible sources of income.

We know that filing a claim for a leave of absence can seem intimidating, and often confusing, but we’re here to help!

Review How to file a claim.

Next Steps:

  1. Notify your Manager and your local Human Resources Department of your upcoming leave.
  2. Within 30 days of your leave date, file your leave of absence claim one of two ways:
    1. Call Broadspire at 1-877-542-2158 and a claims intake specialist will take your information and initiate the disability/leave process.
    2. Register at using the email address that you provided when initiating your claim. Review:
      1. How to Register for Portal Connect
      2. Portal Help Guide for Employee Connect
    3. Please refrain from filing your claim for leave of absence before the 30 days prior to your scheduled leave date. If your claim is filed too far in advance, Broadspire may require you to reapply.
  3. Watch for important information from Broadspire, such as a Medical Authorization Form for authorization to contact your providers for medical certification of your claim.
  4. A Broadspire Claims Examiner will contact you about your claim status and work with you one on one for the duration of your absence.

Have questions before filing your claim? You can call Broadspire at 1-877-542-2158 and talk to a representative or connect with your local Human Resources Department.


Refer to the quick links buttons to the right.