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Understanding My Benefits

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Benefit Basics

Eligibility and Enrollment

My covered dependent is turning 26 years old. When will their coverage end?
Your dependent’s coverages will terminate on the last day of the month in which they turn 26. They will receive COBRA information in the mail to elect continuation of coverage if they choose.

I am enrolled in dental and vision but not medical insurance. Does this mean I am eligible for the Opt-Out Cash incentive?
No, you must waive enrollment in ZOLL’s medical, dental and vision plans to receive the Opt-Out. If you are enrolled in one or more of these plans you are not eligible for the cash incentive.

Is it required to show proof of alternative coverage to waive ZOLL’s medical plan to earn the Opt-out Cash Incentive?
Yes, you will be asked to upload proof of outside coverage to receive the monthly $100 incentive. Without proof, you will not be eligible.

My spouse and I both work for ZOLL. My spouse is covered as a dependent on my medical plan. Does this mean they are eligible to receive the Opt-out Cash Incentive?
No, they are not eligible to receive the opt-out incentive. This is because ZOLL is processing their medical claims and therefore technically still considered covered by the plan.



What is a premium?
The amount of money you pay for health insurance every paycheck.

What is a deductible?
The amount of money you owe for health care services before your health insurance begins to pay. For example: If your deductible is $1,000, the plan won’t pay anything until you’ve met this amount for covered services that are subject to the deductible. Deductibles may not apply to all services.

What is an out-of-pocket maximum?
The most you pay during a policy period (usually a year) before health insurance begins to pay 100% of the allowed amount. This limit doesn’t include your premium payments.

What is coinsurance?
The percentage of a covered health care service you are responsible to pay after meeting your deductible.

What is an in-network provider?
A doctor, health care professional or facility (like a hospital or ambulatory surgery center) that is under a contract with your insurance company.

What is an out-of-network provider?
A doctor, health care professional or facility (like a hospital or ambulatory surgery center) that isn’t under a contract with your insurance company.

What is a copay?
The fixed amount you pay at the time a covered health care service is provided.

What is an explanation of benefits (EOB)?
A statement sent by your insurance company to notify you that your claim has been processed for services or products. It is not a bill, but it does summarize the amounts paid by the insurance company and the amounts you may be responsible for.
EOB – UHC Sample
EOB – Aetna Sample

What is coordination of benefits?
When two insurance companies work together to pay claims for one person by establishing which plan is primary and which plan is secondary. This process ensures that the combined payments of both plans do not add up to more than the covered health care expenses.

What is a consumer driven health plan?
The Saver Plan with HSA is ZOLL’s offered CDHP. It is a health insurance plan that allows an employer and/or an employee to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to help pay for qualified medical expenses.

Does my insurance company offer reimbursement on weight loss programs and gym memberships?
Yes. Both UHC and Aetna offer reimbursements of up to $150 per calendar year, per family on gym memberships and eligible weight loss programs.

Can I submit for both the gym membership and weight loss program reimbursements within the same calendar year?
Yes, you can submit reimbursements for both programs simultaneously within the same calendar year. They are separate reimbursements for $150 each per calendar year, per family.

What is the deadline to submit my gym membership and/or weight loss program reimbursement form(s)?
You must send your completed reimbursement forms and applicable receipts before March 31st for the prior calendar year’s reimbursement.

What sort of weight loss programs and gym memberships are considered reimbursable?
Each available form outlines the kind of fitness programs and weight loss programs that qualify for reimbursement. You can find them here.

Under the PPO Plan, do copays for services count toward my deductible?
No. Copays for services are not counted toward your deductible, but they are counted toward your out-of-pocket maximum.

Prescription Drug

Who provides prescription drug benefits under the medical plans?
Both UnitedHealthcare and Aetna provide prescription drug benefits through Optum Rx.

If I have the Saver Plan with HSA, will I pay copays for my prescriptions?
Most prescription drugs under the Saver Plan cost structure are subject to your deductible before the insurance company starts to pay. If your drug is considered preventive on the Consumer Driven Health Plan list, then it is subject to a copay instead of the deductible.


My dental card is for Delta Dental of Massachusetts, but I live in a different state. Can I still use my dental benefits where I live?
Yes, you can use your dental benefits outside of Massachusetts. Any dentist participating in the Delta Dental Premier network will accept this plan. This network is the largest in the country, with three out of four dentists participating nationally.

What is the Rollover Max benefit and how do I qualify? Can I use it for orthodontia?
The Delta Dental Rollover Max benefit allows a portion of your unused annual maximum to be carried over to the next year, for greater value. Rollover Max dollars do not apply to orthodontic services. To qualify, you must receive at least one cleaning or oral exam in the plan year. Additional limitations may apply. Click here for more information.

Do I have to pay for teeth cleanings?
Diagnostic and preventive care is covered at 100% and does not count toward your annual maximum. This includes two cleanings each benefit year.

What is an annual maximum per member?
This is the maximum dollar amount your dental insurance will pay toward the cost of dental services and/or treatment in a benefit plan year. Orthodontia has its own separate lifetime maximum.

Is the annual maximum available to each member on the plan?
Yes, it is a $1,500 per member per lifetime benefit, so everyone on the plan has the coverage available to them. This is also true for the separate maximum specifically for orthodontia.


Is there a benefit card that I can use for VSP?
VSP does not mail out benefit cards. When scheduling an appointment for eye services, make sure to specify that you have insurance coverage through VSP. If your provider is in the VSP network they will be able to identify you by using your date of birth and other personal information.

What if I go to the eye doctor and do not tell them that I have VSP insurance coverage?
If you go to the eye doctor and do not use your insurance, you can submit for partial reimbursement for both in-network and out-of-network services through VSP’s member portal. You will be required to submit all receipts for your expenses.

Health Care Advocate

How does Health Advocate work?
Health Advocate assists you and your family members by offering confidential, one-on-one support for any personal health care needs. They can help you find the right doctors, resolve claims and billing issues, help you understand your medical enrollment plan option and even schedule your doctor’s appointments. For a full list of services and frequently asked questions visit, Health Advocate.

Medicare Guidance

Can my family members access Doctor’s Choice?
Yes, it is available to all benefit eligible U.S. employees and their family members looking for Medicare assistance.

I am thinking about retiring soon, how can Doctor’s Choice help me?

  • Schedule your no-cost consultation and answer questions asked by the Medicare Expert.
  • Your personal Medicare Expert will analyze your answers and offer the best advice about which Medicare Plans might be best for you.
  • They will walk you through how to sign up for Medicare and answer any questions you may have about your transition.
  • The most important – their services are there for you even after your plan enrollment and official retirement from ZOLL. Doctor’s Choice is your Medicare expert for life.
Fertility Support

ZOLL Adoption and Surrogacy FAQs

What expenses are considered eligible under the ZOLL Adoption & Surrogacy Reimbursement Program?
For the full listings of eligible and ineligible reimbursements, check out the policy document. The policy document also outlines the reimbursement application process and eligibility guidelines for participation.

Both my spouse and I work for ZOLL and meet all the eligibility requirements. Can we both submit for the adoption or surrogacy reimbursement?
Yes, if both spouses meet all eligibility criteria, then both would be eligible for the reimbursement. However, this benefit is not available to an employee’s spouse who is not employed by ZOLL. It is also not available to dependents of eligible employees.



I am new to Zoll, when can I enroll in the 401k Savings Plan?

You will be automatically enrolled into ZOLL’s 401(k) Savings Plan with a pre-tax contribution of 4%. Your deductions will start to be taken from your paycheck after the first of the month following 90 days of continuous service. You can change your contribution election at any time by logging into your Fidelity Investments NetBenefits Account.

I don’t know what to do about my investment options. Who can I talk to about it?

If you are unsure about the right investment options for your 401(k) Savings Plan, we recommend you schedule an appointment with CAPTRUST. They can help you build a successful investment strategy to help you secure your financial future.

What is the maximum contribution I can contribute to the 401(k) Savings Plan?

According to IRS limits, the maximum annual contribution you can make to your 401(k) is $22,500. If you are age 50 or older, you have the option to contribute an additional $7,500. Keep in mind that these annual contribution limits take contributions from all sources into account, to include Employer Match.

Should I be electing Pre-tax or Roth contributions?

When you are auto enrolled into the 401(k) with a contribution of 4%, it is taken from your paycheck pre-tax. When you change your contribution percentage in your Fidelity NetBenefits account, you have the option to also make Roth contributions. To learn more about Roth contributions, click here. You can also find additional information by logging into your NetBenefits portal and entering “Roth” in the search bar.

What is the company match?

ZOLL contributes 100% of each dollar you contribute on the first 4% of your contributions. Then 50% on the next 3% of your contributions.

How do I change my 401(k) Savings Plan contribution percentage?

401(k) contribution elections can only be changed through Fidelity Investments. The best way is by logging into your Fidelity NetBenefits Account. For more information check out this guide on Getting started with your Fidelity Account. Chapter 15 will go over Contributions.

Can I access a local Fidelity Investment Center?

Absolutely! You can visit any local Fidelity Investment Center to discuss your financial well-being. For more information and a listing of Investment Centers near you, click here.


What is a Rollover?

A rollover is a way to transfer assets from a former employer’s workplace savings plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b), to your new employer’s workplace savings plan or an IRA. To initiate a rollover, you’ll need to request a check from your previous employer, then complete and send any necessary paperwork in one of the following ways:

  • A direct rollover: You request your workplace savings assets go directly to your new workplace savings plan or IRA. Taxes and penalties are not assessed during the transaction because the assets are not payable to you. Instead, your former employer makes the withdrawal check payable to the trustee or custodian of your new employer’s plan or IRA.
  • A 60-day rollover: You have your workplace savings plan assets paid directly to you, and the IRS withholds a mandatory 20% pre-payment for taxes. You then have 60 days to move the assets into an IRA or your new workplace savings plan to avoid paying income taxes as well as a 10% early withdrawal penalty. You need to replace the 20% withholding for federal income tax if you want to roll over your entire distribution. To avoid paying income taxes and penalties, you must complete the rollover within 60 days.

Where do I send my Rollover forms?

Use the following addresses to send rollovers to Fidelity:
Regular mail: Fidelity Investments, PO Box 770003, Cincinnati, OH 45277-0065.
Overnight: Fidelity Investments, 100 Crosby Parkway, Mailzone KC1F-L, Covington, KY 41015.

How do I deposit the money from my Rollover transaction into my Fidelity account?

You can have the money sent directly to us to deposit into your account, or deposit it yourself.

The check should be made payable to Fidelity Management Trust Company (or FMTC), FBO [your name]. Be sure to ask your former employer’s plan administrator to include your account number on the check.

Remember, when a rollover check is made payable directly to you, you must deposit the money into your IRA within 60 days of receiving the check to avoid income taxes and a possible early withdrawal penalty.

Follow these instructions to learn how to deposit your check through the NetBenefits® Mobile App.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

How do I enroll in an HSA?

  • First you must select the Medical Saver plan in Open Enrollment or during New Hire benefit election.
  • About a week later, log in to Fidelity NetBenefits® at or and click “Open” next to Health Savings Account.

My account is ‘not ready for funding’, can my HR representative call Fidelity and fix this situation?

  • No. As this is an individual brokerage account, only YOU can call Fidelity and determine next steps. No one from ZOLL may call on your behalf.
  • This being an individual brokerage account it is also your responsibility to understand the rules and requirements of the account as required by the IRS.

I currently have employee coverage but am changing to employee +1 / family. Will I receive additional ER Contributions?

  • No, whatever your benefit level was at open enrollment or at new hire enrollment is the level of ER contributions you will receive for the current year.
  • If you move from family or employee+1 to Employee only, we also will not reduce the ER contribution, but you MUST be aware of the new IRS maximum contributions for employee and adjust your payroll deductions accordingly so as to not contribute excess monies.

I have an open HSA account, what can I do on the Fidelity website?

  • View your HSA balance alongside retirement accounts, such as your 401(k) or 403(b)
  • Access tools and resources
  • Perform ongoing account maintenance and management tasks
    • Forms and applications
    • Account statements, confirmations, and tax forms
    • Beneficiary information
    • Address changes to your HSA

I want to rollover my HSA from a prior employer, what do I do?

  • Please call the Fidelity HSA customer service number 1-800-544-3716.

Does my 401(k) or life insurance beneficiary update to the HSA account?

  • No. You MUST elect a beneficiary for your HSA in NetBenefits.

What is the Fidelity HSA customer service phone number?

  • 1-800-544-3716

I have a question on the use of my HSA card. Who do I call?

  • If you have questions about transaction and using the debit card itself, please call the number on the back of your card.
  • This number is to be used for:
    • General Debit Card Inquiries
    • Lost, Stolen or Replacement Debit Card
    • Unauthorized Use of Debit Card
    • Debit Card Point of Service Inquiries
    • Status of Debit Card Request
    • Activate or Cancel Debit Card

When am I eligible to contribute the catch up amount?

  • In the year you are turning 55 years old, you may contribute additional funds up to the IRS annual maximum for that year.

What are eligible Medical expenses?

  • For your funds to remain tax-free, you have to spend them according to the IRS tax code. This means you should only use HSA funds for qualified medical expenses.
    • Please refer to the IRS website for the definition of HSA qualified medical expenses.

Can I invest my balance in my HSA?

  • Yes, your Fidelity HSA is a individual brokerage account that allows you to manage a portion of your savings in cash and invest the rest for future medical expenses. You can start investing at any time by making a one-time trade or setting up automatic investing for future contributions. And there’s no required minimum to begin investing.

Do I lose my contributions each year or do they rollover to the next year?

  • The entire balance is yours to keep—even if you change jobs, change medical coverage, or retire.
  • An HSA is an individual account you own that can be used to pay for out-of-pocket qualified medical expenses that your health plan doesn’t cover.
  • You decide how much to contribute, when to tap into your HSA, and how to invest your savings.
  • You can use your HSA to pay for qualified medical expenses incurred by you, your spouse, and your dependents—including health plan deductibles and coinsurance, most medical care and your services, dental and vision care, and prescription drugs. The entire balance is yours to keep—even if you change jobs, change medical coverage, or retire.

I have an HSA, can I also enroll in an FSA?

  • If you participate in an HSA, you can ONLY participate in a Limited-purpose FSA (limited to dental and vision).

Is it easy to use?

  • You can save money in your HSA on a pretax basis through payroll deductions or by making after-tax contributions by transferring money online from an outside bank account.
  • When you decide to use your HSA to pay for a qualified medical expense, you have a variety of options to access your funds, including using an HSA checkbook, an online bill paying service, or the direct debit capability, to name a few.
  • If you have Aetna, you can also access an online portal, which provides an easy way to track, pay, and manage claims. UHC’s two-factor authentication restricts certain attributes of this program.
  • HSAs have a convenient reimbursement feature, too. If you decide to pay out of pocket for a qualified medical expense, you can later reimburse yourself from your HSA at any time without penalty—weeks or even years in the future—provided you have receipts that total the appropriate amount.

Can I use it now or do I have to save it for the future?

  • Spend your HSA today or save it for tomorrow—it’s up to you. Because your balance automatically carries over from year to year, you don’t have to worry about losing money that you haven’t spent. If you’re paying for current qualified medical expenses, you can save money in your HSA in cash for easy access. Any savings not needed for current qualified medical expenses can be invested in a wide variety of investment options—including mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and CDs—to potentially grow your balance for future qualified medical expenses, such as those in retirement.
  • Once you reach age 65, you can use your HSA for any reason—just pay normal income taxes on any money used for a nonqualified medical expense.
  • Under age 65, distributions used to pay for nonqualified medical expenses are considered taxable income and are subject to a 20% penalty. State tax may apply. See your tax advisor for more information on the state tax implications of HSAs.

What are the tax advantages to an HSA?

  • An HSA offers three-way tax savings you can’t find elsewhere, which can help you save money.
    • Pretax contributions made through payroll deduction lower your taxable income, and after-tax contributions are tax deductible.
    • You don’t pay federal taxes (although state taxes may apply) on the money you use to pay for qualified medical expenses. Over time, those tax savings could add up.
    • You don’t pay federal taxes (although state taxes may apply) on any investment earnings.
  • Keep in mind that investing involves risk. The value of your investment will fluctuate over time, and you may gain or lose money.

I am approaching Medicare age, what do I need to know?

  • Please contact your tax advisor to discuss your specific situation.
    • Another option is to contact Doctor’s Choice, a ZOLL Benefit Partner, to discuss Medicare and other topics
  • In general, you are not allowed to contribute to an HSA savings account for the 6 months PRIOR to Medicare eligibility.
  • This is because when you enroll in Medicare Part A, you receive up to six months of retroactive coverage, not going back farther than your initial month of eligibility. If you do not stop HSA contributions at least six months before Medicare enrollment, you may incur a tax penalty.

I am retiring, what happens to my HSA account?

  • The entire balance is yours to keep—even if you change jobs, change medical coverage, or retire
  • An HSA is an individual account you own that can be used to pay for out-of-pocket qualified medical expenses that your health plan doesn’t cover.

Work/Life Balance

Leave of Absence and Disability

I need to take a leave of absence. Who should I contact to inform of my leave?

If you need to take a leave of absence for any reason, you must file a claim with ZOLL’s confidential third-party administration team, Broadspire. You are also required to inform your manager and local Human Resources Department. For more information on how to file a claim, along with any additional items to consider, check out the life events page Preparing for Leave/Disability.

Will I be paid while I am out on my leave of absence?

Payment will depend on the type of leave you are taking and its duration. Contact your Broadspire Claims Examiner for more information on compensation and coordination of benefits during your approved leave and about any pay-related questions.

How will I be paid during my leave of absence?

Payment process will depend on the type of leave you are taking and if disability or bonding benefits are offered in the state you live and/or work in. Please refer to the following scenarios as examples. Keep in mind that not all leaves of absence are the same. Payment method and amounts can differ based on program eligibility.

  • If you are a new parent out on Postpartum Recovery or Bonding Leave:
    • Please refer to the Compensation During Paid Parental Leave and Coordination with Other Policies and Benefits sections of the Paid Parental Leave Policy.
  • If you are out on leave because of your own serious health condition:
    • When you file a claim with Broadspire, you may be instructed to also apply for statutory benefits, depending on where you live/work. Broadspire may offset what you receive from the state through Short-term disability to ensure you receive 60% of your regular earnings.
    • Beginning in 2025, all Short-term disability payments will be paid through ZOLL Payroll.
    • Any available PTO must be used during the 13-day elimination period before Short-term disability benefits begin.
  • If you are on leave to care for your immediate family member, or a family member in the Armed Forces:
    • Any accrued PTO available to you will be used. State benefits may be available, depending on where you live/work.
  • Please contact your Broadspire Claims Examiner if you have any additional questions regarding pay during your approved leave of absence.

    How do I know if I live/work in a state with statutory benefits?

    Certain states require mandated disability and/or bonding benefits. The claim filing processes and benefits will vary by state:

    If you work or live in any of the states listed below, your benefits will be administered through Broadspire and paid through ZOLL Payroll:
    New York

    If you work or live in any of the states listed below, your benefits will be administered and paid through Reliance Matrix until July 1, 2025:

    If you work or live in any of the states listed below, your benefits will be administered and paid through New York Life:

    If you work or live in any of the states listed below, you must file your claim directly with the state. If you have any questions about the filing process, you can also ask your Broadspire Claims Examiner:
    District of Columbia
    New Jersey
    Puerto Rico
    Rhode Island

Am I eligible for PTO?

All regular full- and part-time employees working 20 hours or more per week are eligible to accrue and use PTO.

  • Part-time employees working 20+ hours per week receive pro-rated PTO based upon their part-time status equivalency to a full-time employee
  • There is separate Paid Sick Leave available for eligible part-time/intern/co-op/per-diem employees in accordance with state and local laws.

 What is a maximum PTO accrual amount?

You will be given a maximum number of hours you can accrue bi-weekly in a PTO bank. Once you reach your maximum bank, you will not accrue additional time off until you use PTO and fall below the maximum bank limit.

Your maximum accrual is determined by your seniority and is outlined below.

Years of Service
Accrual per
Bi-Weekly Period
Annual Accrual Maximum Bank
0-4 years 7.385 192 hours (24 days) 300 hours (37.5 days)
5-9 years 8.923 232 hours (29 days) 348 hours (43.5 days)
10 years + 10.462 272 hours (34 days) 408 hours (51 days)

Can I borrow PTO, or does it have to be accrued to use it?

You will not be able to take time off that is not yet accrued and available in your PTO bank. If you want to take time off and do not have the time yet in your bank, you will need to take unpaid time if it is approved by your manager or wait until you have a balance in your PTO.

When does the PTO accrual change?

  • The PTO accrual will change based on your anniversary date which can be viewed in Workday.
  • Increased accrual rates will coincide with an employee celebrating five and 10 years of service with the Company.
  • The new rate will begin upon the start of the employee’s fifth and 10th years of service.

For example, if your anniversary date is March 20 and you are beginning a milestone year (five years or 10 years), you will begin to accrue time at the higher level as close to your anniversary date as possible based on the payroll cycle timing.

I was part of an acquisition. Do I keep my original hire date or the acquisition date?

The service date for determining the amount of PTO is based on continuous service date. For those who joined ZOLL as part of an acquisition, continuous service from a prior company has been included in Workday.

Will PTO count toward overtime?

PTO is considered non-worked time which means that any PTO time will not count in the calculation of overtime pay.

Can I choose to take an unpaid day off instead of using PTO?

No. You will be required to use all of your PTO time before taking unpaid time off. This includes any Company-issued shutdowns where applicable under state and local law.

I am not eligible for time off due to my employment status. Do I get any time off under this plan?

Employees that are paid by ZOLL (co-ops, interns, per-diem, on-demand workers) will still not be eligible for any time off program or Company-paid holidays. However, they will continue to be eligible for Sick time in accordance with state and local laws as applicable. Employees who fall under this plan will be able to view their Sick time accrual in Workday.

What happens if I leave the ZOLL?

PTO which has been earned, but not been used, will be paid when you resign or are terminated subject to state and local law requirements.

Do I get Sick time?

Sick time is available for use only in the event of legitimate illness or for medical appointments for yourself or your dependents and may not be taken for any other purpose.

Why do I only get 6 paid holidays?

ZOLL provides less Company-recognized holidays and more PTO to allow employees greater flexibility to decide what holidays and days off are important to them.

For state holidays that are not on the Company list of designated holidays, will I be required to work and if so, will I be paid overtime? Will I be penalized if I choose not to work? Do I have to use PTO, or can I take it unpaid?

There may be holidays recognized in certain jurisdictions and you may be requested to work those holidays. Should you choose to work on such holidays, you will be paid 1½ times your regular rate for work that is performed on the holiday. Should you opt not to work on that holiday, you would need to use your available PTO and would be paid at your straight time rate.

Pet Insurance

Do I need to re-enroll for this benefit every year?

No. Once enrolled, the policy will renew automatically each year.

How can I make changes to my policy?

You can make changes to your policy during your policy renewal period. All changes are subject to underwriting approval.

When is the policy renewal period?

The renewal period starts 60 days before the policy’s current 12-month term expires. The policy’s effective date and expiration date can be found on the Declarations Page, which is included with the policy packet that is mailed to you at the beginning of each new term.

What happens to my pet insurance policy if I am no longer with the company?

If you pay policy premiums via direct bill, no action is required and the policy will automatically remain active. However, the premium may change at policy renewal, as group preferred pricing may no longer apply. If you pay policy premiums via payroll deductions, you will be notified and asked to update billing information in order to keep the policy active.

Will pre-existing conditions be covered?

Unfortunately, no. Like all pet insurers, we don’t cover pre-existing conditions on any of our plans.

Can I still use my vet?

Absolutely. You’re free to visit any licensed veterinarian, anywhere in the world — even specialists and emergency providers.

If I have a pet other than a dog or cat, can I enroll?

Yes! If you want coverage for your bird, rabbit, reptile or other exotic pet, you’ll find it only with Nationwide. To enroll in the Avian & Exotic Pet Plan, please call 888-899-4874.

What is vethelpline® and how does it work?

Veterinary professionals are available 24/7 through vethelpline, a service provided exclusively for Nationwide pet insurance members. You can get live help with any pet health concern, including identifying urgent care needs.

Please note, a vethelpline consultation is not a substitute for a visit to your primary veterinarian.

How do I file a claim?

It’s easy. Simply pay your vet bill and then send us a claim for reimbursement via mail, email or the free VitusVet mobile app.

Mail: Nationwide Claims Dept., P.O. Box 2344, Brea, CA 92822-2344


Mobile app: VitusVet available on the App Store and Google Play

Track claim status on your Nationwide Pet Account Access page at Please allow 48 hours from the time you submit your claim for it to appear online.

Your Next Steps

To enroll in benefits, visit Workday.